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CorrigoService.Entities Namespace
Public classActor
Actor describes what kind of entity can perform an action over WorkOrder in 9x. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classAddress
Represents legacy address entity (read only). See Address2 for new entity
Public classAddress2
Street address integration entity. It can only exist as a part of some object, like Customer, Location, Employee. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classAlertScope
Alert Scope
Public classAlertSubscription
Alert Subscription
Public classApInvoiceStatus
Vendor Invoice Status is semi-static localized dictionary. Vendor Invoice Statuses identify at which state of financial workflow Vendor Invoice currently resides; similar to the role WO statuses play for Work Order. Read-only integration entity.
Public classApprovalScope
Approval Scope is designed as generic child object; Approval Scope objects collection is linked to a parent object (even though at the moment only Customer is supported); it defines what Approval templates parent can use; and what Approval template is default one.
Public classApprovalTemplate
Approval is a hierarchical object which, at a very high level, is used to define a template for creating Proposals (user-friendly name for Approval class is “Approval Escalation Template”). Approval can have between zero and many items (i.e. empty Approvals without items are allowed). Approval can be linked to zero or many scope objects (such as Customers); this link it used when Proposal for scope object is created.
Public classApprovalTemplateStep
Approval Template Step
Public classAssetAttribute
Asset Attribute BO stores actual value of the attribute. Asset inherits attributes from its Model; each Asset can have between zero and many Asset Attribute records linked to it.
Public classAssetInfo
Additional asset info. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classAssetSystem
Asset System is essentially a named collection of various assets; it’s used when assets in various places and areas (for instance, on the roof and in the basement) are connected and depend on each other. A good example is HVAC system for multi-store building. Asset Systems can span across multiple work zones (for instance, a gas pipeline).
Public classAssetTemplate
Asset Template BO is a named asset subtree which can be copied into asset inventory.
Public classAssetTree
Exposed as integration entity: AssetTree. This is read-only entity. It’s used mostly for data retrieval. Asset Tree hierarchy is not expected to be modified directly. AssetTree stores asset hierarchy relations - all "parent->child" and "parent->..->"descendant relations. It's used for quick search through hierarchy. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classAttributeDescriptor
Asset Attribute Metadata records is a global list; each attribute can be associated with multiple Models.
Public classAttributeOption
Pick list item
Public classBillingAccount
Represents billing account (read only). Specifies billing rules for a group of customers. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classBillToOption
Bill To Type is semi-static localized dictionary. There is matching enumeration BillToType for system-defined values; and there is business logic associated with members of that enumeration. Bill To Type suggests type of entity which will be billed for a particular Work Order, or the lack of such entity. Selection of Bill To Type: * Impacts computing default values for other Financial Record’s properties such as Billing Account and Contract. * Might impose additional restrictions for Financial Record, such as "Billing Account is required". Zero is a valid ID
Public classBlob
Stores the file content. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classBusinessHours
Business Hours define weekly schedule for Portfolio’s or Work Zone’s working hours; this object is used to answer the question “what is the time interval within the day during which service is done using regular office hours schedule”? Everything outside of business hours interval is considered to be “after hours”, and typically special limited crew is scheduled to perform service during “after hours”.
Public classChargeCodeLookup
Charge Code is simple semi-static dictionary (ID + displayable name) This object is not created as localized dictionary because its content can be fully customized by end user, including renaming predefined records. Charge Code is a property of Financial Record; it’s exposed and used when Customer Invoicing module is off. Currently there is no business logic associated with this field; it’s just some code which client’s accounting may define for a particular WO and use it for their own purpose.
Public classContact
Represents Contact. Defines information about customer’s contact person/organization. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classContactAddress
Public classContactInfo
Contact address integration entity. Used to specify additional contact address parts. It stores contact information such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, web site URLs etc. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classContactMoneyValues
Contact Money Values
Public classContract
Contract defines billing settings for work orders. Web service access scope - read only. Contract.DisplayAs Max Length=128
Public classCorporateEntity
Represents corporate entity. Corporate Entity is one level up from Billing Account:Customer Invoice belongs to Billing Account; Billing Account might belong to Corporate Entity (even though it’s optional). Corporate Entities are important for computing tax.
Public classCorrigoEntity
Represents the abstract base class for all Corrigo Enterprise entity classes.
Public classCorrigoEntityMoneyValues
Public classCustomer
Represents customer, a client that makes service orders. Customer is required to be in some work zone. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classCustomerNoteType
Customer Note Type
Public classCustomField
Represents custom field (read only).
Public classCustomField2
Represents Custom Field (will replace CustomField). Used to store extended object field values. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classCustomFieldAutocompleteOption
Custom Field Autocomplete Option.
Public classCustomFieldDescriptor
Represents custom field metadata. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classCustomFieldOption
Pick list item (predefined value for custom field). When pick list items are specified for CustomFieldDescriptor, they become the only available values for respective Custom Field
Public classDisposition
WO Item Status (Disposition)
Public classDocument
Document e.g.: link or file (txt, xlsx, pdf, docx, bmp). Web service access scope - Full access
Public classDocumentType
Document Type is semi-static localized dictionary
Public classEmployee
Represent employees or organizations. Employee is a hierarchical object representing a person or organization who is a part of instance’s workforce. Main purpose of Employees is to be assigned to Work Order and execute them. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classEmployeeBridgeCorrigoEntity
Public classEscalationRule
Escalation List defines rules for sending out emergency alerts; it controls what people receive these alerts, and at which point in time. Technically, Escalation List is a Generic Child; Escalation List collection can be attached to either Work Zone of Portfolio. Escalation list for Work Zone or Portfolio can be empty (i.e.may contain no items).
Public classFinancialItem
Financial Items are children of WO Financial Record. They are related to WO Financial Record the same way WO Items are related to WO.
Public classGLAccount
Represents GL account.
Public classHoliday
Holidays define “off” days for Portfolio or Work Zone. It’s a non-regular sequence of dates without time overriding normal business hours schedule defined via Business Hours BO.
Public classInternalCostStatus
Cost Status is semi-static localized dictionary.
Public classInvoice
Represents invoice.
Public classInvoiceDictionaryItem
Represents invoice dictionary item.
Public classInvoiceLine
Represents customer invoice line item (read only).
Public classInvoiceLog
Invoice action log.
Public classLaborCode
Labor Codes a classification of types of activity performed by technicians when working on a Work Order.
Public classLicensedProvider
Public classLinkContactAndGroup
Contact / Customer Group Bridge object represents Contact’s association with Customer Groups.
Public classLinkCustomerAndGroup
Public classLinkModelAndAttribute
This is a collection of bridge records between Model and Asset Attribute Metadata records. It specifies what attributes particular Model supports.
Public classLinkPortfolioAndWorkZone
Work Zone/Portfolio bridge defines association between work zone and portfolios (both primary and grouping).
Public classLinkProcedureCategoryAndTemplate
Procedure Category may be associated with zero or more procedure templates. This information is used by group procedures created from such procedure templates.
Public classLinkProductAndSupplier
Product/Supplier bridge defines association between Provider (some Providers act as suppliers) and Product. Aside from establishing a link, this table contains some supplier-specific information: one supplier can be “default”; also supplier may use custom part name for Product.
Public classLinkProviderAndService
Employees of type Provider can be linked to zero or more Services .
Public classLinkProviderPriceList
Employee may be linked to zero or more Vendor Price Lists; this applies to Providers only. Price List information may be used when vendor invoice is prepared – it defines available invoice items and rates. Price list configuration for Provider can be quite complex. In the simplest scenario, there is one price list defined for Provider, so-called “default” one. In a more complex scenario, in addition to “default” record Provider may have any number of price lists defined for number of Portfolios (one or more Portfolio, to be specific); and these price lists are arranged in the order of preference. Because of this logic, Employee Price List is really a triplet linking Provider, Price List and Portfolio (the latter is undefined for “default” record). It is allowed to define Provider without “default” price list record but with number of portfolio-specific ones.
Public classLinkTeamAndWorkZone
Teams can be linked to zero or more Work Zones; this relationship is used to dispatch work. One of these records can be marked as "default", indicating default service Team for particular Work Zone.
Public classLinkUserAndCustomerGroup
Employees of type Technician can be linked to one or more Customer Groups; this is used as another Employee scope type, orthogonal to the one giving access to work zones.
Public classLinkUserAndPortfolio
Employees of type Technician can be linked to one or more Portfolios; this is used to determine full Employee work zone scope. Application uses this information to decide what work zones, work orders, customers etc. CorpNet user may access through UI. From data model perspective, this is a simple bridge between Employee and Portfolio. Employee may be directly linked to any number of Portfolios, or none.
Public classLinkUserAndSpecialty
Employees of type Technician can be linked to one or more Specialties, representing Technician’s specialization.
Public classLinkUserAndStockLocation
Public classLinkUserAndTeam
Employees of type Technician can be a member of one or more Teams; this is called a direct work zone access and used to determine full Employee work zone scope. Application uses this information to decide what work zones, work orders, customers etc. CorpNet user may access through UI. It’s also used to decide who can be assigned to work order. From data model perspective, this is a simple bridge between Employee and Team. Employee may be directly linked to any number of Teams, or none.
Public classLinkUserAndWorkZone
Employees of type Technician can be linked to one or more Work Zones; this is called a direct work zone access and used to determine full Employee work zone scope. Application uses this information to decide what work zones, work orders, customers etc. CorpNet user may access through UI. From data model perspective, this is a simple bridge between Employee and Work Zone. Employee may be directly linked to any number of Work Zones, or none.
Public classLocation
Represents location, an asset of any type. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classLookupCorrigoEntity
Represents the abstract base class for all referenced entities that support deletion protection.
Public classMaterialTransaction
Material Transaction entity represents action which modifies Product quantity in a Stock Location
Public classMaterialTransactionItem
Material Transaction Item (commonly called MHT Item) represents single line item in Material Transaction (MHT).
Public classModel
Asset's Model. Model is main object of KnowledgeBase hierarchy.
Public classMoneyValue
Money value with currency
Public classNote
Represents Customer Note
Public classOnCallRule
On-Call List define day-by-day assignment of “on-call person” for Portfolio or Work Zone. There are two on-call persons for each day: one is for business hours; another one for off hours.
Public classOrganization
Organization is a hierarchical object consisting a mixed group of Technicians and Providers combined together into some sort of entity.
Public classPayment
Represents payment.
Public classPaymentItem
Represents payment item.
Public classPortfolio
Portfolio is a collection of Work Zones.
Public classPortfolioChildCorrigoEntity
Public classPriceList
Price List - Contains price list information (name and type)
Public classPriceListItem
Price List item.
Public classPrintoutTemplate
Work Order Printout. Work Order Printout is semi-static localized dictionary; Printouts is collection of named XSL templates used to generate HTML WO Printouts.
Public classProcedureCategory
Procedure Category
Public classProcedureFlagReason
Procedure Flag Reason
Public classProcedureStepDocument
Public classProcedureTemplate
Procedure Template. Procedure Template (former Punch List) is important concept in property and service management: it’s a collection of steps (“to do” items) arranged in a specific order which technician has to perform and mark as “done” (or provide a reason why it cannot be done). Procedure Templates are pre-configured lists of tasks which later can be copied and attached to Work Orders, thus creating Punch Lists. Punch List Templates are typically attached to PM/RM Templates – a standard usage.
Public classProcedureTemplateStep
Represents Procedure Template steps items.
Public classProduct
Product represents a stock of tools, gadgets, materials or parts which is being tracked by Materials Inventory functionality. It’s localized dictionary without static content.
Public classProductCategory
Product Category is localized dictionary. Used by Products Catalog functionality.
Public classProductMoneyValues
This table follows standard multi-currency child patterns. At least one currency field must not be NULL/empty to save the record.
Public classProviderCoi
For legal reasons, some Corrigo Enterprise clients require providers to have valid certificate of insurance (sometimes even more than one). Currently only Providers may have Insurance records attached to them but this rule is not enforced.
Public classQuoteOrEstimateItem
Quote Line Items are children of either Quote or Estimate. They are related to Quote/Estimate the same way WO Items are related to WO. Quote/Estimate always has zero line items if it works in “single-line” mode; and it always has one ore more line items if it works in “multi-line” mode – it’s enforce by BO rules.
Public classRepairCode
Represents repair categories and codes. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classReplenishmentOrder
Replenishment Order - MH Order (Materials Handling Order) represents purchase order placed by Corrigo Enterprise client to replenish parts/materials in a Stock Location.
Public classReplenishmentOrderItem
Replenishment Order Item (commonly called MH Order Item) represents single line item in Replenishment Order (MH Order - Materials Handling Order). MH Order Item defines Product, quantity and price.
Public classResponsibility
Responsibility object is used to store workflow configuration pieces which are based on a single Employee and can be associated with other Work Zone or Portfolio. Default assignee is typical example of Responsibility.
Public classResponsibilityType
Responsibility Type is a semi-static localized dictionary. Responsibility type is used by business logic; its value tells application how to find Employee associated with particular workflow task. Predefined Responsibility Types : Default Assignee, Primary Contact.
Public classRole
Represents single Role object.
Public classRoleMoneyValues
Public classSimpleLookupCorrigoEntity
Public classSlaValuesOverride
SLA Value object overrides priority values (DueInMinutes, RespondInMinutes, AckInMinutes) for whole portfolio or certain community
Public classSpace
Space (sometimes called Location) is occupancy record connecting Customer and Unit. Space states that Customer occupies particular Unit Asset (a model popular with clients who lease their property to Customers; thus same Unit can be occupied by multiple Customers over time). Customer may have between zero or more Spaces; but one Unit can be referenced only by single active Space. Web service access scope - Full access.
Public classSpecDispatchRule
Specialty Dispatch Rules define auto-assignment rules for Portfolio or Work Zone. Specialty Dispatch Rules are used by auto-assignment routine.
Public classSpecialty
Specialty, f.i. Carpentry, Doors, Electrical, Lighting, Plumbing... This entity answers the question “What type of work needs to be done for a Work Order or a Task?". Web service access scope - Full access
Public classSpecialtyMoneyValues
Public classStockLocation
Stock Location represents a storage for parts and materials: a warehouse, a track, a storeroom etc. Parts/materials price, quantity and total stock value are tracked/computed per Stock Location. Also, there is a special, highly specialized Stock Location category called “Cylinder” – it’s used by Refrigerant Tracking functionality.
Public classStockLocationInventoryDetails
Product Lot is a building block for tracking Product quantity and cost within Stock Location. Each Product Lot record represents a certain amount of specific Product with the same unit price, which arrived to Stock Location at specific moment. “Amount” and “price” are used to track quantity and cost; and arrival time is used by Material Transactions to implement FIFO/LIFO logic.
Public classTask
Represents Kb Task, the action to be completed in satisfying the work order. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classTaskMoneyValues
Public classTaxCode
Represents tax code
Public classTaxDetail
Represents TaxDetail item from the WorkOrderCost.TaxValidationNote
Public classTaxRegion
Tax Region header (no more than a label).
Public classTaxRegionItem
Tax Region child collection defining so-called Manual Tax Table.
Public classTeam
Team is a collection of Technicians; it’s used to dispatch work; and sometimes just to create a named group of Technicians.
Public classTimeCard
Time Card
Public classTimeCardItem
Time Cards Item (TCI) is the foundation of Time Cards data model. It’s a single piece of data telling “this Technician was doing this particular type of work since date/time A until date/time B”.
Public classTimeCardWeek
Time Card Week.
Public classTimeOff
Time Off. The Vacation Schedule represents a period of time when Employee is on leave and thus won’t participate in regular activities such as WO execution. In Corrigo Enterprise each Vacation Schedule defines a replacement – Employee who will assume responsibilities of the vacationer.
Public classTimePeriod
Reporting Time Interval is semi-static localized dictionary. Reporting Time Interval defines date interval(from 12:00 AM on start date until 11:59:59 PM on end date) which can be used in various places across the application.
Public classToDoItem
To-do Item represents abstract task with due date, short description and simple status (done/not done) which Corrigo Enterprise user must do.
Public classToDoType
To-Do Type is localized dictionary containing types/categories used for To-Do Items.
Public classTurn
Turn is a unit of pending work that’s been scheduled by application user to create Turn Work Order at some point in the future (depending on how database instance is configured, it’s done by application when deadline is reached or done explicitly by end user). Turn defines where the work will be done (via reference to Asset), what work will be done (via reference to Work Template) and when it needs to start.
Public classUserPayRate
Labor rate values for Employees; e.g. information how much specific Employee is paid by each labor type defined through Labor Code (LaborCode).
Public classUserPayRateMoneyValues
Public classUserSignInInfo
Public classUserSignInInfoResponse
Public classWarranty
Warranty represents two different logical objects at the center of Warranties functionality: 1. Warranty Template(identified by IsTemplate == True) linked to Organizations.Warranty Templates are used to create warranties automatically when WO completion occurs. 2. Warranty (identified by IsTemplate == False) linked to Assets and sometimes to Providers. This is true “instance” of a warranty, which may be created from the template, or manually.
Public classWoActionLog
Used to keep action history information for work order. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classWoActionLogProp
WO Action Property object implements property bag for WO Action Log. Each WO Action has its own set of properties (some might be required, other optional); and when WO Action Log record is created, property bag consisting of WO Action Property records. Typically, each property record stores single value (either numeric integer or free-text); the whole approach is similar to custom fields. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classWoActionReasonLookup
The object allows to describe what was the reason of WorkOrder status change. Hence it’s created any time WorkOrder status is changed. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classWoAssignment
WO Assignment contains information about Employees (both technicians and providers) assigned to Work Orders (with primary and secondary assignments). It is essentially a bridge record between Work Order and Employee, with a couple of additional fields. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classWoEquipment
Stores information about equipment used in work order. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classWoEstimate
Customer has an ability to estimate his order price before the work started. This estimate is used then as a limit value for work order price - Not to exceed amount(NTE) value. Web service access scope - Full access
Public classWoFlag
WO Flag is read-only entity. All modifications to WO Flags must be performed via WO commands. WO may have one or more Flags set simultaneously. There are between 0 any many Flag records for every WO, no more than 1 record per each Flag Reason. Flag record is created when WO is flagged, and may be modified if WO is flagged again using the same Flag Reason. Record is deleted when specific Flag is cleared.
Public classWoItem
This object represents line items included into work order. Each line item is separate task with location (where job is needed), task (what needs to be done) and even status (called disposition). Web service access scope - Full access
Public classWoLastAction
Describes last action performed on a WorkOrder. Contains action reason, invoice, bill status, total bill amount. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classWoNote
Persists user notes during work order flow. Web service access scope - Full access (as a property of WorkOrder)
Public classWoOnSite
Represents check in/out record (read only).
Public classWoPriority
Defines the work order implementation time scope and the way employee is auto-assigned to the work order. Web service access scope - read only.
Public classWoProcedure
Procedure (formerly known as Punch List) is a sequence of steps, based on Procedure Template, attached to a Work Order, and also possibly linked to Asset. Technicians execute stored procedures by filling in a questionnaire consisting of Procedure Steps, which is used in many types of work, for instance preventative maintenance.
Public classWoProcedureStep
Procedure Steps (formerly known as Punch List Items) are attached to Procedures; they are copied from Procedure Template when it gets attached to Work Order. Procedure Steps have specific order and get executed according to that order. Each task is supposed to be “done” eventually; also for some steps users might need to enter additional data and/or attach documents.
Public classWoQuote
Quote is object used by a workflow used when Work Order is assigned to provider; and requestor wants to know how much work will cost beforehand. Quote object is basically an object where answer to the question “how much will this cost?” is stored. There can be either 0 or 1 Quote record for each WO.
Public classWorkOrder
Represents work order (read only). Web service access scope - read only.
Public classWorkOrderCost
Represents work order cost. The object is used to calculate how much money should be paid for the services were done in frame of the Work Order. Web service access scope - read and update only.
Public classWorkOrderType
Custom WO Type is dynamic dictionary.
Public classWorkZone
Work Zone is a grouping or parent entity for Customers, Work Orders and Assets. Some examples of work zones are: An apartment complex with multiple buildings, each with multiple units; A commercial building with multiple floors, each with multiple units in the form of offices or suites of offices; A geographical area with many single-family homes, each of which is considered a unit, or; A city sector or other region with multiple business franchises, each of which is considered a unit.
Public classWoVerification
Public classWpTree
Work Plan Links records define hierarchical structure called Work Plan. The idea behind Work Plan is that Work Orders may have child and grandchild Work Orders (no more than 2 levels of hierarchy though); such hierarchical structure is used to execute projects requiring different assignees with different billing, multiple quotes etc.