CorrigoService.Enums Namespace |
Enumeration | Description | |
ActorType |
In combination with ActorId used in many entities to define its creator/owner or any other association to another object
| |
AlertType |
Correspond to specific predefined events or situations, characterized by alert generation condition and scheduling rule.
Employee alerts: from Emergency till BadVerify.
Customer notifications: with C prefix.
Proposal alerts: with Proposal prefix.
User management alerts: PwdExpiration, AssetStatus.
Incident alerts: ActiveIncident, OpenIncident, IncidentUpdate.
| |
ApprovalRule |
Approval rules - define rules for adding particular person from Approval Escalation template into Proposal
| |
ApState |
AP States - grouping for Vendor Invoice Statuses and also a source of business rules.
| |
AssetType |
Types of inventory assets
| |
BackupRouting |
How routing will be done when Specialty-based auto-assignment produces no result.
| |
BillingRule |
Options to determine which service fees will be billed for the given Work Order.
| |
BillStatus |
Used to indicate the current financial status of the given Work Order.
| |
BillToTypeRule |
Defines additional rules/restrictions for Bill To Types
| |
CfType |
Enumeration for custom field data types
| |
ChangeAssignmentMode |
How Assignees parameter is treated. Four modes supported: Primary, AddSecondary, RemoveSecondary and Snapshot. In Snapshot mode, Assignees collection is treated as new list of assignees for WO; and first item in that list is treated as primary assignee. In all modes Assignees can be empty.
| |
CiInvoiceState |
Customer Invoice State
| |
CiItemType |
Types of the Work Order invoice line items.
| |
CompletionNoteOptions |
Used to specify Completion Note modification options for WoCompleteCommand.
| |
ConditionOperator |
Specifies the possible values for the operator in a condition expression.
| |
ContactAddrType |
Enumeration for contact address types
| |
CostCategory |
List of cost category
| |
CostState |
Cost States - grouping for Cost Statuses and also a source of business rules.
| |
CurrencyType |
Currencies supported by application
| |
DistanceUnit |
Distances can be stored either in kilometers or miles.
| |
DocumentStorageType |
Represents options how the Document can be stored.
| |
DraftProcessStep |
Customer Invoice Draft Process Step. Represents Customer Invoice’s sub-status applicable and used when Customer Invoice is in Draft state.
| |
DuplicateUnitMode | ||
EmployeeWonStatus |
Employee WON status
| |
EntityType |
Specifies the entity type.
| |
ForecastGroup |
Forecast Groups to which AP Statuses and Cost Statuses belong.
| |
GeoStatus |
Geocoding status for Street Address object.
| |
InsuranceStatus |
Insurance Statuses (applicable to both Insurance records and Providers)
| |
IsolationLevel | ||
JurisdictionType | ||
LeaseContactType |
Describes customer's Contact type, it could be classified as: Primary, Emergency, Alternate, Unknown.
| |
LeasingSpaceStatus |
Used to classify Space actuality state.
| |
LogicalOperator |
Specifies the possible values for an operator in a Filter Expression.
| |
LsNoteAccess |
Customer Note Access Level for Contact
| |
MhLocationType |
Stock Location Type
| |
MhOrderStatus |
Replenishment Order Status
| |
MhUnit |
Units of Measure used by Product Catalog and Materials Inventory
| |
OnSiteValidationResult |
On-Site validation result
| |
OnSiteValidationType |
On-site validation type
| |
OrderType |
Specifies the possible values for the order type in an OrderExpression.
| |
PaymentMethod |
Payment methods
| |
PaymentState |
Payment State
| |
PortfolioType |
Portfolio Type
| |
PriceListType | ||
ProcedureStatus |
Procedure Status
| |
ProcedureStepType |
Procedure Step Type
| |
ProcedureType |
Procedure Type
| |
Protocols | ||
PTEType |
"Permission To Enter" Type
| |
QuoteStatus |
WO Quote statuses. Same enumeration is also used as Estimate Status
| |
RateType | ||
SchedInterval |
Interval type for Schedules.
| |
StreetAddrType | ||
TaskSelfHelpType |
Used to indicate Knowledge Base Task Instructions format: Html, Hyperlink, YouTube.
| |
TaxValidationStatus |
Tax validation statuses for Vendor Invoice.
| |
TimeCardAction |
Time Card Actions
| |
TimeCardStatus |
Time Card Statuses
| |
TimeCardType |
Time Card Types
| |
TimeZones |
Represents Time Zones IDs
| |
TurnStatus |
Turn Statuses
| |
UIType |
UI Labels (UI Type Lookup enumeration)
| |
VendorType |
Used to indicate editability options of Price Line Item for the Vendor.
| |
WarrantyStatus |
Warranty statuses
| |
WOActionProperty |
Characterize how specific WO property (f.i. Employee assignment) is changed (Removed/Added) in the context of Work Order action (Assignment Changed)
| |
WOActionType |
Indicate workflow actions, the Work Order could experience during it's lifetime.
| |
WoCostExclusion |
Exclusion rule: a service fee extension used to tweak WO billing
| |
WoCostLineType |
Type of WO financial line item
| |
WoEquipmentType |
Used to classify Equipment regarding its novelty and relation to the Work Order.
| |
WONoteType |
WO Note types
| |
WoRating |
Ratings values used for Work Order Verification.
| |
WorkOrderStatus |
Work Order Statuses, used by WorkOrder entity.
| |
WoScheduleOptions |
Used by WoScheduleRoutine command to specify scheduling options for the Work Order.
| |
WOStatus |
Work Order Statuses applicable for Work Order Actions commands.
| |
WOType |
WO types