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SpaceCreateCommand Properties

The SpaceCreateCommand type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCustomerId
Parent Customer ID, required.
Public propertyEndDate
End date, optional.
Public propertyIfUnitAlreadyExists
Optional. Controls how duplicate units are treated; one of DuplicateUnitMode enumeration values. If value is not specified, application assumes DuplicateUnitMode.Ignore.
Public propertyInstructions
Free-text value containing additional notes/instructions, optional.
Public propertyMoveInDate
Move in date, optional.
Public propertyMoveOutDate
Move out date, optional.
Public propertyNewUnitSpecifier
Reference to object containing information about the new Unit. Ignored when UnitId != 0.
Public propertyStartDate
Start date, optional.
Public propertyUnitId
ID of the Unit associated with the Space. Zero means new Unit will be created based on NewUnitSpecifier parameter.
See Also